PSX AV to Arcade Monitor/Speaker Adaptor

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Playstation 2/3 to Arcade Monitor/Speaker Adaptor

This cable plugs into the Playstation 2 AV port. It includes a video amplifier which boosts the PS video signal to the level required by arcade monitors. It also includes a sync separator circuit. You can also plug in a pair of amplified speakers for sound. The picture shows all connections required for an PS to arcade monitor, speakers and wired controls. The parts you need to order are:

Playstation Control Adaptor

PS AV to Arcade Monitor/Speaker Adaptor

I-PAC (you must select the PS/2 cable option for this)

IMPORTANT! This cable only works with 15Khz arcade monitors. It will NOT work with PC monitors. If your arcade monitor is a multi-frequency model (eg W-G D9500) and has a VGA connector then the J-PAC adaptor (below) is the best choice.

Playstation arcade adaptor